V is for values
Hannah's values
Identifying our values
Values are unique to the individual, the team, or the organisation but they are also always relational, informing where we go and how we interact with others.
Identifying what we value most (in personal or professional terms or a bit of both) can be a worthwhile process because it enables us to navigate towards ways of living, working, and operating that really matter to us. Communicating them helps others to have an idea of who we are and what we might be like to interact with. This process is something I (Hannah) help people with. It can appear simple at first glance, but working out our values is often harder than it looks.
Having a clear idea of what is important to us helps us to operate from positions of identity and strength. Knowing what we value most keeps us aligned in practical and measurable ways as we live and work.

HM Coaching and Development
Space to think about working life. Time to reflect on what you value most.
Hannah's values
Our values underpin how we work and interact with people. They help us navigate, provide accountability, and give clarity. Here are mine:
Insight & Strategy
Seeking to understand and navigate complex situations and scenarios. Insight can come suddenly but it also unfolds over time and it usually needs to be searched for and cultivated. Strategy adds the how to insight's what. Without strategy, insight remains dormant.
We exist in relationship with the people, creatures, and systems around us. My value of community states a central commitment to noticing the other and working on behalf of the collective, not just the self.
Human Worth
Everybody is special; every person has worth, each one of us distinct and with unique potential and possibility before us. There are no exceptions.
Striving to do the right thing even when no one is watching (CS Lewis). Being honest and having strong moral principles. I take professional integrity incredibly seriously. Listing it here holds me to this.
Work with HM Coaching and Development
The first step is to have a conversation and together we will work out a plan.
Header photo: Jantine Doornbos