Endorsement. Love It or List It: career coaching to renegotiate and renovate

March 29, 2023By hannahrkmatherEndorsements & case studies

“With Hannah’s help, I successfully renegotiated and renovated my working environment. The organisation has restructured my job, which means I’ve moved teams within the company. This allows me to use my knowledge, gifting, and talent, and makes me feel far more productive and valued!”  Sharon and I worked together for eight months, meeting monthly. A big question … Read More

Endorsement. Values, beliefs, & business development. Coaching with a small business owner

February 21, 2023By hannahrkmatherEndorsements & case studies

“I always struggled with my courage. I believed I wasn’t courageous. You helped me to see that that was ridiculous as I’ve done lots of brave things in my life.”  Context: Sophie was in the second year of building her small business. We worked together for six, one-hour coaching sessions, meeting fortnightly to identify some underlying values and beliefs that … Read More